Practice Safe Sun

Acronyms are supposed to be short and sweet ways of remembering more complicated words. In the world of sun protection though, there are far too many to keep everything straight. We go from SPF to UVA and UVB, then you can throw in some FDA and the list goes on. Keeping all of them straight … Continue reading

The “B” Word

You’ve all heard it. Blackheads — the dark spots that pop up around the chin and nose caused by excess sebum and dead skin cells that get trapped in the pore. If you’ve ever experienced blackheads you know how hard it is to get them out, when exfoliating alone won’t do, you literally have to dig them … Continue reading

To prime or not to prime? That is the question.

The answer is yes. Prime. Always prime. Priming isn’t just for walls anymore, its for your face, lips, and eyes. The cosmetics industry has come a long way since the days of big hair and blue eyeshadow, a.k.a. the 80’s. Undoubtedly one of the biggest strides that have been made is the commercialized use of … Continue reading

Self Tanners: The good, the bad, and the orange.

I never thought I would say this, but Coco Chanel what were you thinking?! The beauty icon went on a Mediterranean vacation in the 1920’s and brought back with her the biggest trend she would ever start. Having a golden glow. Ever since that fateful day women and men alike have been going crazy over … Continue reading

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